Daylight Savings Time

For some awkward reason, Europe switches off daylight savings time two weeks earlier than the US does. That means we switched this last weekend and scheduling Skype calls with family and friends just got one level more complicated. Now it gets dark here just after 17:00. That’s right, everyone uses military time here. It was a bit confusing at first but now I’m mostly used to it and I certainly see the utility in it. So far I’ve only tried once to leave work at 15:15 because I saw the five and thought it was time to go home.

Despite the early sunsets, the good weather is holding. We spent Saturday hanging out around town and sitting at restaurant terraces with Zhiyi and Kristin. Then on Sunday I went climbing in Belgium with Mike. Hendrik has also been enjoying several long Autumn runs through the falling leaves to Belgium.

Happy Birthday to Amy and Happy Halloween!

The mists of Holland

Yesterday the fog was so thick that the view from our window (21st floor) went from this


To this


From the train I also saw all the Dutch kids biking to school through this. Since I don’t have to drive, I think the fog is lovely.


Climbing in Belgium (again)

On Sunday I went climbing with Mike and Meredith in Belgium again. This time we went to the French speaking part (Wallonia) near Yvoir.

We had a great time lead climbing and practicing for multi-pitch climbing. It was a fantastic way to enjoy what may be the last good weather day of the year.

Hendrik and the horses

On Saturday we went out for brunch at the only American-style coffee shop in Maastricht. (Dutch coffee shops are something very different). We ate way too much and since the weather was decent, we decided to walk it off. We followed a nice walking path along the Maas and discovered a little nature preserve. Of course we went exploring and at one point we were temporarily trapped on a tiny island when the wild horses decided to use the only bridge.

We were surprised to stumble upon them because they are quite well camouflaged. On the other hand, the warning signs at the entrance to the nature preserve made a lot more sense. In retrospect, I think they meant to stay 25 meters away from the horses. Too bad I don’t know how much 25 meters is – silly metric units.  

Friet met mayo

About one and a half years ago I boldly stated, “I can’t believe people here eat fries with mayonnaise. Why would you ruin perfectly good fries when you could have ketchup instead? I’ll never eat fries with mayo.” Today I am ashamed to admit that I had my first craving for frietjes met mayo on my way home from work. Perhaps this is the first sign that I’m slowly integrating into the culture here.

Berlin banking

I attended a two day conference on banking in Berlin. The talks were at the Hotel Adlon, right next to the Brandenburg Gate and where e.g. Queen Elizabeth and Michael Jackson stayed when in town.


There’s the view from the front door. I love the fantastic and inexpensive food all over the city.


Hillary 2016

We survived filling out our absentee ballots including a grueling 17 California propositions to research this year. We even had just enough Dutch international stamps left for the 41 gram envelope. 

Go Hillary!

Burritos in Maastricht

Last week, a miraculous thing happened: a burrito restaurant opened in Maastricht!


We are delighted. They even have a habanero sauce. This was the largest deficiency in our life here – things are good.


The Calm

My parents flew home Monday, followed immediately by the arrival of Hendrik’s German cousin and his girlfriend for a short visit. Then I went rock climbing Tuesday and we had Dutch lessons on Wednesday. After nearly a month of visitors and constant activities, I am looking forward to a quiet weekend doing absolutely nothing! Expect boring updates on Monday.