Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Last weekend we made an outing to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden with Nora, her maternal grandparents, and two dogs. It was quite an undertaking to get the whole crew out the door but so worth it! The rhododendrons were just starting to bloom and a bunch of earlier-blooming plants were showing off too.

Nancy, Nora, and Hendrik amongst the blossoms.

Nora rode in her handy-dandy hiking backpack and was in good spirits the whole time. The dogs were even well behaved and didn’t try to bother the nesting geese. The nesting geese did try to scare us away by hissing viciously and flapping their wings though.

Grandparents in the garden.

The gardens required everyone to wear a mask and had one-way loops set up so it was fairly easy to stay distanced from other groups. Soon the rhododendrons in our yard will bloom too!

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Last weekend we made an outing to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden with Nora, her maternal grandparents, and two dogs. It was quite an undertaking to get the whole crew out the door but so worth it! The rhododendrons were just starting to bloom and a bunch of earlier-blooming plants were showing off too.

Nancy, Nora, and Hendrik amongst the blossoms.

Nora rode in her handy-dandy hiking backpack and was in good spirits the whole time. The dogs were even well behaved and didn’t try to bother the nesting geese. The nesting geese did try to scare us away by hissing viciously and flapping their wings though.

Grandparents in the garden.

The gardens required everyone to wear a mask and had one-way loops set up so it was fairly easy to stay distanced from other groups. Soon the rhododendrons in our yard will bloom too!

Power napping

Nora has learned to fall asleep in her hiking carrier. She did this for the first time on a recent neighborhood stroll.

She even napped for several minutes past when we got home and I set her down. It must be one comfy backpack.


Friday Ride-day

I’ve been taking a little bit of time on Friday afternoons for some exercise on my bike. This week I went for a ride with Orion up to the top of Mt Tabor!

Orion’s ride, the trusty bike map, and my ride in front of the city skyline at the park.

The weather was perfect: 60 and sunny with no wind. Orion loved sniffing the air and barking at the slow dogs on the ground as we whizzed by. I had never been to Mt Tabor Park before and was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful paved path that sprials up the hill and the gorgeous views of the city skyline. Fortunately the hill wasn’t too steep for me but my legs are still tired today from the ride.

Not fast but very fun! It was a fantastic route.


We are so happy that all of our parents (all four of Nora’s grandparents) are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19!

Nora with Opi (top left), Omi (bottom left), Grandma (top right), and Grandpa (bottom right).

It certainly took some perseverance to get appointments but it was worth it! We managed to book a couple of them while we were up with Nora for a midnight feeding so I guess she even deserves some credit there! It is just such a relief knowing that they are all protected and safe. I hope the clinical trials in children go well so Nora will be able to get the vaccine soon too. And of course Hendrik and I look forward to being fully vaccinated ourselves as well.