Baby Nora

Nancy and I are excited to have Nora join our family. She was born via C section on September 17th.

The very first thing they said to us in the OR was “she’s a redhead!” Mother and father are happy and very tired. All four grandparents are happy too.


Smoky city

The air quality in Portland has been atrocious. We’re moving a small air purifier around the house and staying indoors, except for brief dog walks. These are necessary because Orion, having identified the back yard as part of his kingdom, essentially refuses to relieve himself there. As with the rest of his behavior, this is simultaneously incredibly annoying and uniquely endearing.

Masked cyclist and haze on Knott Street


Labor Day Apocalypse

We had quite the apocalyptic-feeling Labor Day evening. The day began out a with a high wind warning set to start around 5 pm. A forest fire started on Mount Hood in the afternoon so as soon as the windstorm started, the smoke rapidly blew into Portland. The sun turned red and the air quality rapidly worsened. By sunset, the windstorm was so strong that it had taken out power in most of Northeast Portland! The lights went out almost the instant we finished eating dinner. We cleaned up the kitchen after dinner using headlamps before calling it an early night.

Is that a bush that Orion is sniffing? No, it is a giant downed branch from the wind storm!

While walking Orion today, I got to see the aftermath of the windstorm. There were leaves, twigs, and even some huge branches strewn about the neighborhood. Luckily our house and yard survived just fine and the air quality is much better today.

Orion, kitchen helper

As is typical for our mini poodle, Orion has developed a new habit which is both adorable and inconvenient/annoying. When we are loading the dishwasher, he becomes envious of the attention we are showering upon it.

Oddly, he has no interest in licking plates. Only in attention.
