Professor Hendrik

Since becoming a Banker, Hendrik has really missed teaching. He likes his job a lot but he’s also been thinking about ways to teach again part time. Recently the perfect opportunity came along and he’s going to be teaching a programming and data science evening course for the business school at Willamette University this summer! Nora and I are very proud and excited for him.

It will start out as a remote course and if the pandemic settles down, he might even get to teach in person downtown. I’m going to teach Nora to call him Professor Papi when she starts talking! Read me a story, Professor Papi. Professor Papi, I’m hungry.

Stand-up baby

Nora’s latest obsession is pulling herself into a standing position using the nearest object of the correct height.

She’s getting very good at it. This afternoon she even learned the graceful dismount.


Backyard birthday party

We got to go somewhere, do something, and see friends! Amazing! Now that we’re well on our way to full vaccinated immunity, we felt comfortable at a physically distanced backyard BBQ with masks. Since Nora can’t get vaccinated yet, she and Orion stayed with Omi and Opi.

I got the best chair!

We had beer, brats, and cake while we enjoyed the Portland sunshine* and good company. It felt good to see friends again in person.

*actually partly cloudy