Maternity Leave Podcasts

Nora and I had a lot of time to listen to Podcasts during maternity leave. They were perfect for keeping us entertained but not too distracted – hands free, no video, and easy to follow even if Nora screamed through part of it. I tried out a bunch of different podcasts, some of which I ditched after an episode or two but most of my favorites turned out to be from NPR. I particularly liked Planet Money. They somehow managed to combine economics with fun and interesting reporting about all sorts of strange things. Thank you Planet Money for being there for us through the long days (and nights)!

Poodle swaddling

After we give Orion a bath, we always set a towel out on the floor. He instantly runs over to it and sits down, awaiting his towel swaddle. He absolutely loves to be held while swaddled.

Last night he spent a couple of hours like this, held by one of the other of us. Lucky for him, Nora was fast asleep in her bassinet so he got all of the attention.
